Saturday, January 23, 2010

~ The Miracle of Bio Disc ~

What Is It Made Of?
 The Bio Disc is made of 13 TECHNICALLY ENGINEERED natural minerals.
 A NANO FUSION process using several high heat fusion methods, structurally bonds the minerals together, at a molecular level. The combination of the minerals and the fusion techniques produces a catalytic conversion of energy known as “Scalar Energy”.
 This 21st century technology develops a long lasting natural scalar resonance which has the ability to be transferred to any liquid, renewing the natural molecular chains.

The SCALAR energy frequencies have no negative side effects. The energy created specifically rejuvenates molecular structures in all liquids. The molecular structure causes any liquid to become more hydrations, taste better and extend shelf life.

Basically, Nanotechnology is the engineering of functional systems at the molecular scale. This is the most promising technologies of the 21st century. The understanding of many diseases on molecular and cellular level is increasing rapidly. This leads to new insights in diagnostics and therapy thereby creating opportunities in Nanotechnology. The application of Nanotechnology in the Bio Disc to produce scalar energy will provide significant contribution to many aspects of one's wellness.

Amezcua Bio Disc is an innovative development by Dr Ian Lyons. This natural energy-generating device has been independently tested by Prognos. The Bio Disc is not regulated and approved by Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Therapeutic Goods Australia (TGA). Neither FDA nor TGA will ever be applied for; this is at the request of the inventor Dr Ian Lyons. A Bio Disc is a wellness device and not a medicine. Bio Disc does not heal. It will assist our body to heal itself naturally.

How does the energy transfer to the water using the Bio Disc?
 The Bio Disc energy spins into the liquid, counter clockwise, or the liquid can be poured over the bio disc where it ‘picks up’ the resonance.
 The resonance generated is similar to that which is found in the earth surrounding many healing spring waters of the world.

Product Specification
 Appearance: Round Clear Glass
 Specific Size: Diameter 9cm Thickness 10mm
 Specific Weight: 130grams
 Country of Origin: Germany

How to Use Bio Disc
 Pour the water or any liquid over the disc. The water will instantly be energized and has better taste and higher oxygen level
 Place in refrigerator to energize all consumables for better nutrient uptake
 Place under a bottle of drinking water to energize within 20 minutes
 Place under the bed to improve sleep quality
 Place in a bath of water to improve body energy
 Carry on the body to stop jet lag and improve energy levels
 Put 4 (four) bottles of energized water under the bed, one at each leg of the bed to absorb negative energy and emit positive energy
 Carry in your pocket or bag to improve your aura
 Simply reflect the sun rays through the lens onto the area with pain, hold the disc 21 cm from the affected area and spin the disc counter clockwise

Benefits of drinking Bio Disc energised water
 It enhances the taste of food and beverages.
 Helps to improve sleep.
 Energises our body to be less fatigue.
 Helps balance the 'Ying' & 'Yang' and create a 'Chi' Life Force.
 The calming effects of the resonance, increases mental cognition.
 Help to detoxify and hydrate all body cells.
 It reduces stress levels.
 It increases take up of nutrients and food supplements.
 It increases oxygenation of the blood.
 It enhances the immune system of your body.
 Assist in pain relief.

Bio Disc can relieves and improves the following:
 Headaches and migraines
 Gout or joint pains
 skin pigmentation and scars
 Indigestion
 Bad blood circulation and clots
 Water retention
 Chronic pain or illness
 Breathing problems
 Sinusitis
 Sleeping disorders or insomnia

Difference between Bio Disc and Other Products:
While other products may also energise water, Bio Disc energised water will retain energised for up to 50 years and not just 48 hours. Furthermore, Bio Disc is a tool that can transfer it's energy by direct contact or by light rays to our body. It's portable and requires no power to use. It maintenance is free and last a minimum of 15 years onwards.
Put it in your pocket or handbag. Bring it along when you travel. Make and share Bio Disc energised water anywhere in the world - it is useful during your vacation, when taking plane or even in the jungle!

Business Opportunity
You can also key in my IR ID MY030112 if you want to order online through Quest Net to enjoy this special price. Please follow the instruction below if you like to order your Bio Disc through online.

You will need to have an introducer or referrer to make a purchase, just follow the steps below.

1. Login to and click ‘Join Us’ at the top right hand corner of the website. Key referrer ID (MY030112). The referrer's name (SYAHIDA BINTI ABD AZIZ) is displayed. Fill in Your particular to join as a Individual Representatives(IR) of Quest Net to be part of this Global business. Earn money by referring others to purchase and be part of this Global business.
2. Next click Shop at the top right hand corner of the website. Key referrer ID (MY030112) and click the 'Check Referrer' button. The referrer's name (SYAHIDA BINTI ABD AZIZ) is displayed.
3. Choose your country and then click the 'Shop Now' button at the bottom right of the screen.
4. You will be taken to the Product page. Under 'Product' category, click Lifestlye.
5. Choose the BioDisc package that suits you by clicking the little white box besides the words 'add to cart'. The box will now have a 'ticked' sign.
6. Click on the 'Add To Cart' button at the top right hand of the screen.
7. At the 'Retail Shopping Cart' screen, tick the 'I have read and agreed to the Terms and Conditions', and click the 'continue' button at the bottom left of the page.
8. Follow the rest of the on-screen instructions to complete your order.

Warning: There are many fake Bio Disc on the market. Quest Net is the only authorised distributor of Bio Disc. Don`t be conned into buying the cheaper imitation!

Questnet worldwide offices

You can also introduce Bio Disc or Chi Pendant to your friends and start your way to a great business when your friends purchase this amazing product.

Earn Money through Bio Disc
To earn MONEY through Bio Disc, all you have to do is to join work when you are free and your will see your finances soar to another level.

This is the deal:
• Join with an initial purchase of one-of-a-kind item ranging from $500 to whichever you can afford. When you do this you become a partner to the fastest growing, successful, 9 year old, 100% e billion dollar company.
• You receive a virtual office, an account number with your private password, and the product you've bought.
• You can track all your transactions online using your virtual office secured by your ID and password.
• Payments are credited to your account and you choose how the money gets to you; by TT, by cheque, or by a unique company qCard.
• Each time you have three sales on the right and three sales on the left you get a cheque of US $250. Payment is done on a weekly basis with minimum of $250 (Zero if you sit back) and maximum of $15,000 per week. This is dependent on how good you market YOUR business and the number of people who join under you.

 This is a 100% company; no hawking.
 Low start up capital for which you receive a great product
 Residual income (passive income) you can retire early and keep earning an ever increasing income.
 There are no targets or time limits associated with other networking offers. This one is self-paced as you drive your dreams forward.
 Minimum requirement is one partner on your left and another on your right (only two people minimum for a life time).
 All logistics are taken care of by the company as you enjoy your commissions.
 Direct and indirect commissions are the same (he who works the best earns the most, no issue of first come first serve).
 It is a Global business. You are free to market the business anywhere in the world and in addition to that you earn a commission.
 Royalty basis income, whereby you work once properly and you can be paid over and over again as the network grows.
 Generational income. You are free to name your beneficiaries and your income can remain within your family for the next 3 generations.

Monday, January 18, 2010

~ pindah rumah ~

hari nie, sy telah pindah ke rumah baru... huhu... kureng best la skit... byk msalah... tp, kita perlu berkorban demi orang yg kita sayang kan.... so, sy pun begitu juga... walaupun rumah nie agak tidak best, sy akan cuba menyesuaikan diri sy dgn keadaan sekeliling... kelebihannya ade skit tapi yg byknye adalah msalah2 yg timbul... harap2 lpas nie, ok la... sy doakan semoga sy bleh trus bersabar dn bertahan... lagipun, sem ni sy kna study hard supaya CGPA sy bleh naik semula... gambatte...

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Happy Birthday to me...

Hari ni genaplah umur saya 20 tahun (3 Jan 1990). Wah, cepatnya masa berlalu! Rasa macam dah tua la pulak. Hehehe. Tahun ni, seperti tahun-tahun yang lepas saya celebrate birthday party ngan family saya. Hari ni saya rasa istimewa sangat sbb semua orang dlm family sy bagi hadiah kat saya. Wah... Kawan2 pun wish besday kat saya. Tak lupa juga teacher Lin... dia masih ingat kat saya.. huhu.. terharunya... Thank you my beloved teacher for the wish... I really appreciate it. Hope you will always stay happy in your life. Semakin bertambah umur saya semakin cepat la saya melangkah ke alam lain iaitu alam barzakh. Amalan saya perlu dibanyakkan tahun nie.

Walaupun hari ni besday saya, saya tetap kna gi klass esok.. huhu... Klass start 4 jan pd jam 9 pagi... subject public relation(pr).. argh... harap2 subject nie best la... klau x, tak tau la saya nk bwat camne lak... Klas esok full smpai ke petang... cuma ade gap time rehat... mesti letih nie.. huhu... hostel x daftar lg... daftar keselamatan pun x lagi... argh... sibuknye esok... harap dipermudahkan segala urusan. Tu la pasal buat keje last minute... haha... x pe.. saya x menyusahkan org lain.. saya menyusahkan diri saya jer.. hahaha.. =p

Saya harap sesangat tahun nie, saya boleh sentiasa dalam mood gembira. Walaupun ia agak sukar tuk dilakukan, tetapi saya akan cuba untuk kelihatan ceria pada pandangan orang luar. Biarlah rahsia hati saya menjadi rahsia antara saya dan diri saya sahaja. Hidup mesti di teruskan. Tak gitu? Hahaha... Sekarang tibalah masanya tuk saya buat preparation tuk msuk klas... kad matrix, stationaries, examination pad, dn lain2... pastikn semuanya ade... Selamat Study Semula(3S).. haha.. Chiao~

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy New Year... 2010

Selamat menyambut tahun baru, tahun 2010. Selamat datang 2010 dan sayonara kepada tahun 2009. Masa berlalu dengan begitu pantas. Setiap tahun kita akan meraikan kedatangan tahun baru yang hanya sekali setiap tahun. Kelihatan ramai yang meraikannya dengan cara yg salah di sisi agama Islam seperti meraikannya bersama kekasihnya sehingga ke lewat pagi. Tetapi terdapat cara yang yang boleh dilakukan umat Islam untuk meraikannya iaitu dengan menunaikan solat sujud syukur dan bangun menunaikan qiamulaill. Perbuatan yang demikian adalah lebih baik daripada melepak hingga ke lewat pagi bersama kekasih mereka.

Setiap orang memiliki azam diorang di awal tahun. Begitu juga dengan saya, saya juga mempunyai azam pada tahun ini. Azam saya adalah untuk menjadi seorang yang lebih tabah dan sabar menghadapi ujian dan dugaan hidup yang akan menimpa dan menduga diri ini. Setiap tahun dan setiap masa sya tidak pernah terlepas dari diuji. Ujian yang paling besar yang pernah saya alami ialah ketika sya berada di tingkatan 3. Pada ketika itu, saya difitnah oleh seorang kwn yang sy percaya. Padahal sya baru saja pindah ke sekolah tu. Tak sampai 2 bulan dah kena fitnah oleh kwn sendiri. Kawan2 sekelas dengan saya semuanya memboikot saya. Kejadian tersebut telah memberi satu kesan yang besar dalam diri saya iaitu saya tidak boleh terlalu percaya kepada kwn2 kerana mereka berkawan bukan kerana Allah S.W.T, tetapi kerana kepandaian kwn mereka dan paras rupa yang di miliki. Kejadian tersebut hampir2 memusnahkan diri saya. Terasa seperti ingin berpindah ke sekolah yang lain. Tetapi saya kuatkan semangat sya dan saya anggap ini semua adalah dugaan dari Illahi. Alhamdulillah sya berjaya mengatasi masalah ini. Pada saat itu, saya hanya ingin buktikan bahawa saya bukan sepeti yang mereka sangkakan. Ketika keputusan PMR diumumkan, sya telah berjaya menaikkan semula harga diri saya yang telah lama dipijak dan ditindas oleh kawan2 saya.

Pada tahun ini, saya tahu mungkin saya akan diuji lagi. Saya berdoa dan berharap agar saya tabah menghadapi segala dugaan hidup. Saya berazam untuk tidak leka lagi dengan permainan mereka yang ingin menjatuhkan saya iaitu menabur fitnah kepada saya. Mungkin ramai kawan saya tidak mengetahui apa yang saya alami. Saya lebih selesa unutk bercerita dengan blog saya daripada bercerita dengan mereka. Pengajaran yang lalu telah mengajar saya supaya lebih berhati2 apabila berkawan. Carilah kawan2 yang boleh membantu kita menuju ke puncak kejayaan dan hindarilah dari kawan2 yang mengajak ke lembah kesesatan yang akhirnya akan memudaratkan dan menggelapkan masa depan kita.

Ketabahan dan kesabaran menempuhi segala dugaan hidup adalah tanda keimanan yang dimiliki oleh seseorang. Semakin tinggi tahap kesabarannya, semakin tinggi tahap keimanannya dan semakin tinggi darjatnya disisi Allah S.W.T. Insya-Allah saya akan cuba sedaya upaya untuk tabah dan sabar menghadapi segala dugaan yang bakal melanda. Amin~
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