Sunday, July 15, 2012

JDrama - Shiritsu Bakaleya Koukou [Download with Eng Sub]

Konnichi wa minna-san.. How are you today? You looks so happy, today.. Any good news you want to share with us??  Hehehe.. 

Sharing is caring.. That's what people always say to me.. Hmm.. What drama you want to download today? What?? Oh my Gosh.. I don't have that drama yet.. Maybe next time I'll try to upload here for you. So, please keep in touch with us.. It's not a waste to spent your time reading my blog.. Why?? You want to know the reason?? Hmm.. 

The reason is.. Hehehe.. Only you can know the reasons why you are reading my blog.. Other people can't assume what are your real reason.. Am I right? Hehehe.. Okay, without babbling more on unimportant things let's us see what this drama is about.. Have fun, my lovely friends.. (^o^) 

JDrama - Shiritsu Bakaleya Koukou
 Bakada High School and Daiichi Cattleya Academy 

This drama is about a group of students from all-girl school which is Daiichi Cattleya Academy and all-male school which is Bakada High School which merge together to form Bakareya High School. On one side is the "Bakada" all male high school, filled with troublemakers and only know how to fight. The other side is the "Cattleya" all girl high school, filled with beautiful and well educated girls from rich families. 
 Bakada High School 
 Daiichi Cattleya Academy 
However, Sakuragi Tatsuya who loves Bakada High School in every aspect, reacts sharply against Fumie Shingyoji who is equally proud of her alma meter. Bakada and Cattleya were unable to accept each other, since they come from vastly differt backgrounds. What will happen when these two schools are merge? Funny things happen in that school because the male students need to follow all school's regulations which are weird for them to follow. 

These are overall pictures in this drama:

Opening Song : Kis-My-Ft2 - Shake It Up! 
Ending Song   : Maeda Atsuko - Migikata 

Casts of this drama: 
From Bakada High School
 Shintaro Morimoto as Sakuragi Tatsuya 
 Hokuto Matsumura as Asada Tetsuya 
 Taiga Kyomoto as Terakawa Maya 
 Juri Tanaka as Noguchi Satoshi 
 Lewis Jesse as Satonaka Yuuki 
 Yugo Kochi as Jimbo Makoto 
 Yuya Takaki as Shohei Tatsunami 

From Daiichi Cattleya Academy : 
 Haruka Shimazaki as Fumie Shingyoji 
 Mina Oba as Saya Kokyu 

This is the DOWNLOAD LINKS for this drama with ENG SUBTITLE

Shiritsu Bakaleya Koukou Episode   1 : DOWNLOAD / Subtitle 
Shiritsu Bakaleya Koukou Episode   2 : DOWNLOAD / Subtitle 
Shiritsu Bakaleya Koukou Episode   3 : DOWNLOAD / Subtitle 
Shiritsu Bakaleya Koukou Episode   4 : DOWNLOAD / Subtitle 
Shiritsu Bakaleya Koukou Episode   5 : DOWNLOAD / Subtitle 
Shiritsu Bakaleya Koukou Episodc   6 : DOWNLOAD / Subtitle 
Shiritsu Bakaleya Koukou Episode   7 : DOWNLOAD / Subtitle 
Shiritsu Bakaleya Koukou Episode   8 : DOWNLOAD / Subtitle 
Shiritsu Bakaleya Koukou Episode   9 : DOWNLOAD / Subtitle 
Shiritsu Bakaleya Koukou Episode 10 : DOWNLOAD / Subtitle 
Shiritsu Bakaleya Koukou Episode 11 : DOWNLOAD / Subtitle 
Shiritsu Bakaleya Koukou Episode 12 : DOWNLOAD / Subtitle 

Download MP3 of this video, which is "Shake it Up by Kis-My-Ft2" :  HERE 

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Examination in OVER!!!

Alhamdulillah.. Semuanya dah selesai... Rasa seronok sangat.. Yahooo.. Yippee... Horray..  Ini la masanya dan saatnya utk sy meng'qodo'kan balik masa tidur sy yg terpaksa dikorbankan demi exam baru2 nie.. Hahaha.. Seronoknya dpt cuti.. 2 BULAN!!! 

Hmm.. Apa plan cuti nie ya??? Hmm.. Tengah berfikir ke?? Hehehe.. Mmg tak la..
Apa lagi, mari la kita list apa plan cuti nie.. Jeng.. jeng.. jeng.. Let's go...
Ini la plan sy utk cuti sem 2 bln ni:

1. Mendalami ilmu agama dgn membaca artikel2 berkaitan agama Islam 
2. Mengisi masa dgn membaca buku2 yg berfaedah  <--- wah!! skemanya... 
3. Menyambung kembali sesi mempelajari bhasa Jepun  <--- mmg slalu buat time cuti sem 
 Character of Japanese - Hiragana 

4. Menyambung menulis novel yg telah lama terkandas di pertengahan cerita  <-- (^o^)  
 Novel x siap2 lagi ka?? Hehehe 

5. Belajar buat kek dan pastry yg sedap2  <--- untuk apa??? utk dimakan la.. hehehe.. 
 Oishii.. Sedapnya.. Wee... 

6. Mengacau dan mengusik adik di rumah  <--- ni klau dh smpai tahap kebosanan yg tggi 
 Adik yg bongsu.. Hehe.. Suka sgt usik dia.. 

7. Melayari Facebook, Tagged serta x lupa utk sambung main game  <-- rindunya kt game 
 Castleville kat Faebook.. Rindu bangat.. 

8. Blogging.. For sure la.. Dn upload video byk2 kat blog  <--- hanya sbg bahan experiment 
 I Luv blogging 

9. MAKAN.. MAIN.. TIDUR.. MAKAN.. MAIN.. TIDUR.. <--- buka sem nnt mmg trus gemuk 
 Tido time tgh mkan.. wah2.. kes berat nie.. 

10. Truskan segala amalan di atas sampai buka semster utk part 5 plak.. hehehe.. 

That's all from now.. I'll write later.. Ja mata, see u later my lovely blog.. ^o^ 
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