Friday, October 28, 2011

Telephone Etique and Etiquette.. Sapa nak keje operator??

CaRa-CaRa AnGkAt TePoN dEnGaN BeTul..

Sebenarnye cara menjawab tepon yang kite amalkan adelah salah...
dan kebanyakannye sama..
terpikir kah anda untuk menjawab dengan jawapan yang betul.. 
Jadi disini kite akan cube untuk
menukarkan jawapannye (tak le korang boring sangat kalau jadi operator).

1. Soalan: haloo, may i speak to bedah please?
Jawapan: maap. sini bukan balai polis.

2. Soalan: haloo, siapa disana?
Jawapan: ntah. saya kat sini,mane le saya tau
sape kat sane..

3. Soalan: haloo, boleh saya bercakap ngan bapak
Jawapan: nak cakap cakap je ler. buat ape tanye

4. Soalan: haloo, boleh sambungkan ke nombor
Jawapan: maap cik,nombor tak boleh
disambung,hanye boleh dicampur.

5. Soalan: haloo, mak ade rumah?
Jawapan: mak takde rumah.bapak ade pasal
rumah ni bapak yang beli.

6. Soalan: haloo timah, buat ape tu?
Jawapan: kan ke saya tengah bercakap ngan awak kat tepon ni..

7. Soalan: boleh saya bercakap ngan siti?
Jawapan: maap.nombor yang anda dail tidak mahu
memberikan perkhidmatannye... time kacih.

8. Soalan: haloo, tolong panggilkan samad. saya
nak bercakap dengannye.
Jawapan: sila panggil sendiri.saya sibuk.maap

9. Soalan: halloo......
Jawapan: haloo. pusat sakit mental disini. anda
ingin mendaftar?

10. Soalan: haloo, saya nak tumpang bertanya...
Jawapan: maap. ini bukan kaunter pertanyaan.

11. Soalan: haloo, betul ke ini nombor 3234412?
Jawapan: sila dail sekali lagi. kalau saya masih
menjawab betul le tu.

12. Soalan: assalammualaikum...
Jawapan: waalaikummussalam..(tupp!..terus letak
tepon. salam kite wajib jawab)

p/s: I got it from a friend... Hahaha.. Agak2 la wei.. ^_^

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Am I insane?? Oh NO!!!


[this is what happen a week ago]
Why is it happening to me? Nande atashi ga?? I met him when I first registered for my degree in September. I just saw him from a far place. I never talk to him. Never stay near to him. But why is his face still wandering and floating inside my mind? I can even see his face when I'm studying alone. When I'm eating or when I want to sleep, I can still see his face. He is still able to appear in my dream too!! Oh NO!! This will affect my life. Huhu.. Takkan cinta pndang pertama kot?? Adeh!! It should not happen at this time. I still have not fulfilled my dreams yet. Argh!! I need to do something.. Or else I will be lost somewhere in this world.. Kuatkan semangat!! Pegang kuat pada prinsip hidup!! Ganbatte!! 

[after 'brainwash' session]
I can study in a peaceful surrounding. No cute faces disturb me. Cute face?? Hehehe.. Kind of cute. But it still gives me disturbance .. So, I must forget about that cute face. Zettai ni.. Alhamdulillah.. My life returns back to normal. Peacefully.. Do you want to know, how I do my 'brainwash'?? Shitteru??  Shittenai?? Hahaha.. Quite simple.. After you know it, maybe you think that I was an abnormal person.. Hahaha.. The effective way to forget about someone is, to try to do an opposite mind setting.. InsyaALLAH, it will work for you.. I set my mind that, he likes my friends and not me. Atashi ga suki janai.. Sono hito wa suki atashi tomodachi desu.. Now, he is just in a confusing situation.. Dakara, when he gets back to normal he will choose a better person.. So, I'm not suitable enough for him.. He can get more women that are better than me. After setting my mind, his face slowly disappears from my mind.. Alhamdulillah.. I can get through all these mind problems.. Yogatta desu ne~

p/s: It's quite hard to have a special friend whether it is a boyfriend or girlfriend. Need to have more patience and commitment. This is not the right time for me to be involved with all these messy things.. 

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