Moshi.. Moshi.. Atashi no homupeji e yokoso.. Ogenki desu ka? Atashi genki desu.. Nani o shiteru no? Hehehe.. Hai.. Hai.. Soko made.. Hehe.. I'll start speaking in Malay.. Nnt ada lak yg terpaksa meneka apa maksud perkataan2 tersebut kan.. hehe.. ^_^
Isu yg sy ingin ketengahkan hari ni ialah isu berkenaan plagiarims.. Hmm.. Quite serious issue to students in universities or colleges.. Klau student ditangkap sbb plagiarism dia akan digantung pengajian or ditamatkan terus pengajian dia.. Huhu.. Sy nak cerita pengalaman sy dalam isu ni..
Time group sy buat assignment psal RM Plan.. First skali kitorang buat, kitorg dapat 9% plagiarism.. And then, sy try edit sket dn percentage tu turun kpd 8%.. So, dgn confidentnye kitorg hantar la kat lecturer kitorg.. Can u estimate how much percentage of our plagiarism?? Not so much.. 86% jer.. Hahaha.. Kalau kita kat skolah rendah lagi, mesti cikgu lukis 3 bintang kat situ sbb dpt lebih 80%.. Hehehe.. Mmg sy terkejut giler bila dgr group kitorg plagiarist sampai 86%.. mmg lpas tu agak tension sedikit la.. sbb apa?? sbb dh penat2 buat tetiba mcm 14% jer hasil keje kitorang.. Tak ke sedih bila dpt tau mcm ni.. Huhu..
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Bukannya 86%.. |
Nie la software yg sy maksudkan tu.. Turnitin Web site, which is a web site to check and detect plagiarism which exist in documents, journals or articles..
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Turnitin Web site |
Hmm.. I think that's all for now.. I can't comment a lot here or else I will get no A's in my course taken this semester.. Hhahaha.. Okay, I need to go now.. I need finish some assignment especially report papers and slides power point for subjects GM, SMM, SM and IM.. This is the path that I choose, so I need to face with it even though it bring me some kind of problem and pressure.. Will see you later my lovely bloggie.. Don't forget me and take care ya.. Luv u so much.. (^_^)
Ja mata ne~
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