Assalamu'alaikum.. Moshi moshi.. Ogenki desu ka? Atashi wa genki desu.. I miss you so much my lovely bloggy.. Please forgive me for not being beside you all this time.. It's because I'm busy with all jobs assigned as for my internship.. Really tired but quite enjoy doing this job.. As for now, all I need to do in this company is to key-in all data in computer's system and to plan strategies in doing some marketing techniques for the company.. Hahaha.. I really really enjoy doing this job because I don't need to face directly with their customers.. Just facing with their computers.. Hehehe.. ^_^

At first, I thought after I had struggled studying all these sort of marketing subjects last year, I can relax and forget all about this things. Unfortunately, in my work place, they need me to think about strategies to attract new and maintain the existing customers within this company.. Oh My Gosh! Because of this, I really need to borrow some books from UiTM's library as for my references. Huhu.. Welcome back to my life as a student.. Reading books, writing articles and thinking of ideas..
Wish I could go back to the time where I can play around without thinking about all difficult things about life.. How about getting back during my kindergarten time in Sabah.. During that time, my life was full with happiness and I do not have worry about anything that happened.. Waa.. I'm getting older now.. I couldn't go back to that time.. Huhu.. T_T
Hmm.. Let's leave that topic.. As for now, I need to read journals about topics which related to the marketing as I need to prepare a research paper at the end of my internship. All questionnaires need to be distributed. Owh! That's really tiring me when distributing the questionnaires. People may think that by distributing the questionnaires is a wasteful job. But, they should bear in mind that the researchers need that useful information in their research as to prove their theories applied in their research paper. Am I right? Hmm?? Of course that's the reason.. Hehehe.. ^_^
Okay, I need to go now.. To get enough sleep so that I can maintain my body health and skin textures.. By sleeping early, I can get a smooth skin as smooth as baby's skin.. Hahaha.. I'm just kidding.. Okay, Ja mata ne~ *(^_^)*