Penantian?? Huhuhu.. Finally, JPA had update a new date for transferring money into my account. 13 March 2012.. Next week!! So glad.. Thank you very much. Hmm.. Today, I got a fever. This is the third time I got it this year. Oh My Gosh.. Really frustrated with my health. How could this happen again and again. I'm still wondering what are the reasons for having fever and flu.. I'm so tired with all sort of these things. No matter what happened to me, I must continue my life, continue study, continue attend to class.. and bla.. bla.. bla..
JPA Scholarship |
Think about all the assignments I got from lecturers make me feel dizzy.. The assignments are very complicated.. In addition, they have too much expectation from me.. I wonder whether I can satisfy them the end result.. Argh!! Jadi pandai susah.. Jadi tak pandai pun susah.. Pastu nak jadi apa?? Jadi alien?? Hah?? Hmm.. Jadi alien pun best gak.. Coz, no need to think about all these messy things.. Alien fikir psal naik UFO jer.. HAHAHA.. Macam la kita bleh tukar jadi alien.. Klau bleh tukar, dh lama tukar jadi alien especially jadi invisible alien.. Dlm klas klau mengantuk, trus tukar jadi invisible alien dn kluar klas pegi jalan2.. HEHE..
Alien.. Erk.. |