Today, I have fish and chips for my dinner.. Yummy.. So delicious.. I drove to Mai Cafe which is a western food restaurant to buy a set of fish and chips and a set of chicken chop and chips.. When I arrived at Mai Cafe, there's not so many customers in the restaurant.. Hmm.. Maybe they have not receiving their monthly salaries yet.. Hehe.. Quite logically.. While waiting for them to prepare the food, I wait in my car eating chocolate ice-cream. Hehehe.. I think it will happen once a month.. Having an expensive dinner...

I wish to have again this kind of dinner.. But I need to wait for next semester because my JPA scholarship will be received next semester.. Oh my God! I need to be patient and wait for that moment. JPA.. I can't wait anymore.. Please process all the document and give me the answer.. Or I need to find a part-time job? Yabe! (Oh No!) JPA scholarship not allowing their students to have a part time job or else they will take back the scholarship.. Huhu.. Yoroshiku onegaishimasu!

After having this lunch, my mind flashed back to what I had ate last year.. Hmm.. Do you know what kind of food is it? Shitte iru? Shirimasen? Hehehe.. Okay, I will give you the first hint. This type of food is also a western food.. Kangaete iru.. Hmm.. Hmm.. Mada desu ka?? Yosh! I will give the answer. This oishii (delicious) food is 'lamb chop'.. Still can't forget the taste of this lamb chop. Anata no kotae wa honto desu ka? Tadashii ka machigatte iru? Wakaru? Wakaranai? <---- ape hal lak budak nie ckap jepun.. mna la kita nk paham.. dia sorang ja yg bleh paham pun.. ish3.. cerdik btol la budak nie... huh!

Hahahaha... Please don't be stressed. Stay calm, okay.. Inhaled.. Exhaled.. Inhaled.. Exhaled.. Inhaled.. Exhaled.. Okay.. Now, you look better.. You look more beautiful and more handsome.. Now, you can look your face in a mirrow. Don't be surprised with your new face.. Am I right? Hahaha.. Believed me.. (Watashi o shinjite kudasai).. You look better than 3 seconds before.. So handsome and beautiful.. If you still hard to believe it, why not you ask your roommates or your friends on how you look today.. Hehehe.. For sure they will ask you, 'Are you sick?' or they may say to you, 'You are really different from yesterday' 'Quite abnormal'.. HAHAHAHA... That's the end.. If you want to be known as an abnormal person, you are most welcome to ask all people around you about how you look today.. HAHAHA.. ^_^ Have a nice day.. Enjoy your life before it too late.. Ja mata~