Konnichi wa minna-san. Ogenki desuka? I have some problem that need to be settle down before its too late. The problem is, I really want to do part time job.. But, unfortunately I can't apply and do any part time job because I'm still studying in universities and was get sponsored by JPA(Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam).Huhu... Ok... Let's drop this topic and move to my life's topic.
I already sat for my Test 1 of MKT361(Principle of Selling) and MGT361(International Business). Yogatta.. I can do it well but still one or two questions that I not sure the answers. Next week there will be a presentation and quiz for MGT361. This semester is my last semester for diploma. I need to study hard even though right now I don't have motivation to study.
I already sat for my Test 1 of MKT361(Principle of Selling) and MGT361(International Business). Yogatta.. I can do it well but still one or two questions that I not sure the answers. Next week there will be a presentation and quiz for MGT361. This semester is my last semester for diploma. I need to study hard even though right now I don't have motivation to study.