Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Semester ke-4 dah?!

Assalamu'alaikum my lovely bloggie.. How are you? 
I miss you so much! I'm really am sorry because I can't spend time with you. I'm just kind of busy these days. Nande?? (why??) Hmm.. 
I've to prepare for my second proposal defense.. 
In simple word, "re-defense". Huhuhu.. 

Maybe that was not my day. My friends said it is based on someone's luck. If they are lucky, they will pass the proposal defense even it is their first time doing a presentation. On that day, many questions have been thrown at me but I just take it as an advice. I never thought that IT IS A QUESTION! Oh, dear. Why I'm so passive that day. Urgh! (Kenape la tak bantai jer jawab time tu.. Huhu.. Menyesal pun dah takde gunanya lagi) (T_T) 

Even though I've read books written by Dr. OT, I still can't digest the information given on how to write a thesis. Even though I've read so many related articles on PhD's theses, I still can't write a better thesis. huhuhu.. Mungkin saya masih dalam proses mengenali topik kajian saya lagi la kowt.. Huhu.. Tabahlah wahai hati.. (T_T) 

So, I've decided to read more journals and books on my study area. I've to think positive. I failed during the proposal defense maybe because of lack of preparation and I've to seek more information on my topic.

Last few days, I've visited my beloved library. Hehehe.. Of course la, dekat UiTM Perlis. Library dia dah banyak dah berubah tau. Best sangat pi sana.. weee.. (^_^) 

Sy selambe jer masuk library tu.. Buat2 macam student UiTM yg still study kat situ lg.. Confident jer jalan.. Hehe.. Nasib baik x terkantoi jer.. hihihi.. (^_^) 

This is a photo of the library. I've snapped it for you. (mmg xde keje la nie.. time tu sy nak restkan mata kejap selepas penat tenung buku lama2).. hehe.. This section is designed for social sciences students. Amacam cantikkan? Hehehe..

When I first step into the library, it really amazes me. Awesome! This library creates a very good ambience for students 'cause it can boost our study focus and creativity. Rasa bersemangat jer nak study kat sini.. (ala-ala semangat berkobar-kobar gi tue).. hehe.. 

So, saya round la satu library nie.. Searching for a suitable reference book for my study. Fuhh! I can't choose. There are so many books that I wanted to borrow.. Hmm.. So, I told myself that I'll come again next time. Nanti sy nak lepak lama skit la kat library nie.. Hehe.. 

Jeng.. Jeng.. Jeng.. Amacam, banyak tak buku yang berjaya sy pinjam.. ngeh3.. Harap2 senang la saya nak faham topik yang saya tengah buat sekarang nie.. as for now, sy rasa cukup la dulu buku2 nie.. tp, klau still tak cukup juga, nampak gayanya kna la saya berkhemah kat library nie pulak.. hehe..

In sha Allah, in the next few weeks, maybe I'll do my presentation on my proposal. Pray for me, kay.. I hope I can do well this time. I really wish to graduate in the next year (2016).. After defending my proposal, I'll start writing articles and books. Wish me the best!! Fight-oh!! 

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri 1436H

Assalamu'alaikum my lovely blog.. Lama kita tak berborak kan.. huhu.. rindunya kat awak.. Tapi, sebelum tu, di kesempatan ini, saya ingin mengucapkan Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri, Maaf Zahir Batin kepada semua.. Taqabballahu Minna Wa Minkum.. Semoga Allah menerima (amalan-amalan) yang telah aku dan kalian lakukan..

Sekejap jer Ramadhan meninggalkan kita.. Entah sempat ke tidak untuk kita menunggu Ramadhan pada tahun hadapan.. Sesungguhnya jodoh dan ajal maut di tangan Tuhan.. Di harapkan amal baik yang kita lakukan pada tahun ini akan diterima oleh ALLAH SWT..

So, how your life? Lama tak dengar berita kan.. Hmm.. Sebenarnya, beberapa hari yang lepas, saya activate semula account Facebook saya yang lama (i.e. Shizuko Daisuke).. Surprisingly, ramai kawan2 saya sudah pun selamat berumah tangga.. kawan2 sekolah menengah dan kawan2 seuniversiti dulu.. pergh! terbaik la diorang.. hehe.. Saya doakan agar jodoh kalian berpanjangan hingga ke Jannah dan berbahagia selalu.. 

Maybe lepas ni sy akan deactive account FB tu.. motif?? hmm.. rasanya saya pernah bgtau reasonnya dlm post saya yg sebelum ini.. saya sedang melarikan diri dr someone di FB tu.. hehehe.. sebenarnya, saya cuba utk hilangkan diri sampai dia betul2 lupakan sy.. ngeh3.. harap cepat2 la dia lupakn saya.. Please forget about me and find a new girl with a bright personality.. You deserve a better person.. Trust me.. ^_^ 

Maybe I'll busy in these upcoming few months.. There so many assignments need to be done.. As I've to prepare and write a lot of academical papers to meet the qualification.. huhu.. I've still haven't defense my proposal yet.. sedangkan sudah hampir 2 tahun saya kaji topik ni.. harap2 cepatlah siap kajian saya ni..

Wish me luck in my proposal defense, kay.. Ja mata na, my lovely bloggie.. I promise to chat with you later.. I miss you so much.. daa~~~
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